Camisa de homem que vira vestidos que vira saias que vira top. O segredo é o padrão da camisa que ajuda. Excelente ideia.
I love everything that is multifunctional. So when I saw this video circulating on the net I had to write it down because I think it is an excellent idea.
A man shirt turns in to dresses, turns in to skirts, turns in to top. The secret is the pattern of the shirt that helps. Excellent idea.
A man shirt turns in to dresses, turns in to skirts, turns in to top. The secret is the pattern of the shirt that helps. Excellent idea.
Gosto, gosto, gosto! Mas ainda não experimentei... Acho que tenho de ir roubar uma camisa XXL do meu pai :) Mas depois conto/mostro como correu :)