Foi com um grande prazer e admiração que vi as fotos do casamento da filha de um colega meu de trabalho.
Prazer porque gosto muito de ver fotos de casamento e este pareceu-me muito elegante e de bom gosto.
Admiração porque a igreja era "muito despida" com o disse o meu colega, e foi ele, o pai da noiva que no dia anterior teve a vestir a igreja e vejam bem o resultado. Não há um espaço que não foi vestido de verde e ficou lindo...Tudo o que se vê verde faz parte do trabalho....reparem no fio que segura o incenso até ao tecto, por cima das portas, apliques na parede, o coro lá atrás, e cada um dos bancos...
Gabo a paciência e acima de tudo o bom gosto. Parabéns Sr. Nunes, é uma fonte de inspiração para qualquer pessoa...
It was with great pleasure and admiration that I saw the pictures of the wedding of the daughter of a colleague of mine at work.
Pleasure because I love to see pictures of weddings and this looked very chic and elegant.
Admiration because the church was "very naked" as my colleague said, and it was he, the father of the bride, the day before had to dress the church and look at the result. There is no space that was not dressed in green and turn out beautiful... All you see green is part of his work.... notice the wire that holds the incense to the ceiling, over the doors, wall appliques, the choir back there, and each of the banks...
I envy the patience and above all the good taste. Congratulations Mr. Nunes this deserves to be as an inspiration for everyone...
Pleasure because I love to see pictures of weddings and this looked very chic and elegant.
Admiration because the church was "very naked" as my colleague said, and it was he, the father of the bride, the day before had to dress the church and look at the result. There is no space that was not dressed in green and turn out beautiful... All you see green is part of his work.... notice the wire that holds the incense to the ceiling, over the doors, wall appliques, the choir back there, and each of the banks...
I envy the patience and above all the good taste. Congratulations Mr. Nunes this deserves to be as an inspiration for everyone...
Excelente trabalho. Que orgulho ter um pai assim!