Por altura do Natal publiquei um post sobre reciclar crochet, aqui. Esta semana lá fui ao baú tirar uns naperons e comecei a vestir frascos. Um efeito giro e simples cheio de charme e classe. Agora é só dar utilidade aos frascos, com bolachas ou bombons na mesa, como jarra para flores, como suporte de vela e por onde a inspiração levar...
By Christmas time I published a post about recycling crochet, here. This week I went on my chest* to take a few napkins and started dressing jars. A cute and simple idea full of charm and class. Now, I can use the jars with biscuits or chocolates on the table, for flowers, as a candle holder, and as far as the inspiration take me...
*In Portugal it was costume the girls have a layette chest. By early the girls start doing sewing, embroidering and put the things on a chest to take to the wedding. That's why we usually refer to the chest to pick up the vintage stuff...
*In Portugal it was costume the girls have a layette chest. By early the girls start doing sewing, embroidering and put the things on a chest to take to the wedding. That's why we usually refer to the chest to pick up the vintage stuff...
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